Greetings, far travelers! This week we’re sharing the Table of Contents from our Primeval Thule Campaign Setting book. This is not quite complete—for the sake of brevity we only included the subheads under one of the geographical regions, and we skipped other details here and there. Likewise, we didn’t account for all 272 pages in the chapter counts, because there’s front matter and an index too. We also may revise some of the specifics as we finalize the text, but this should provide a good overview of what the setting book is all about, and hopefully convey some of the flavor and execution of the Thule setting!
One sneaky thing that we are doing is arranging the book outline for what we refer to as the “signature swap.” Basically, the first 200+ pages of the Campaign Setting book are identical between the Pathfinder, 4th Edition D&D, and 13th Age versions, since a lot of the world description and background don’t need to change from system to system. The places where the versions vary are Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, and the Appendix, which collectively include monster stat blocks and other system-specific elements like spells or items. Doing this swap cuts our print costs, making it more like one print run than three separate print runs. Should other game systems become available down the road, it will be pretty easy for us to produce Thule versions for those, too.
CHAPTER ONE: THE PRIMEVAL CONTINENT (26 pages) Adventures in Thule CHAPTER TWO: HEROES OF THULE (38 pages) Races of Thule Character Classes in Thule Icons of Thule CHAPTER THREE: ATLAS OF THULE (64 pages) Claws of Imystrahl The Thousand Teeth CHAPTER FOUR: THE THULE CAMPAIGN (32 pages) Gamemastering Thule Life in Quodeth Guide to the City Adventure: House of Sorcery Adventure: Cave of Golden Tears Adventure: (Name TBD) CHAPTER SIX: MONSTERS AND VILLAINS (36 pages) Animals CHAPTER SEVEN: ARTIFACTS AND SPELLS (12 pages) Domains APPENDIX 1: (System Specific Roleplaying Game Rules Information) (14 pages) Atlantean Racial Traits
A Savage World
Tyranny and Wickedness
Life in Thule
Gods and Cults
Secret Lore
Heroic Narratives
Dhar Mesh
Hellumar and Nimoth
Highlands of Nar
Kalayan the Golden
Lands of the Long Shadow
Distant Lands
Campaign Arcs
Using Narratives
Factions and Organizations
Cult Construction
Known Dungeons
The Peacock Throne
Commerce and Economy
Law and Order
Bear, short-faced
Cat, saber-tooth
Eagle, crested
Elk, Thulean
Muskox, Thulean
Sloth, Thulean
Viper, Giant
The Black Circle
Cyclops, Thulean
Dragon, Thulean
Headhunters of Phoor
Polar Eidolon
Rakshasa of Jhi-Anool
The Seven Knives
Servants of R’lyeh
Strangler of Nheb
Winged Ape
Great Old Ones
Dhuoth, Giver of Eyes
Plague Nomad
Lorthnu’un of the Golden Chalice
Yga-Ygo, Dweller in Dreams
New Spells
Item Histories
New Items
Narrative Rules
Narrative Features
Stone, Wood, and Bronze
Unavailable Gear
New Armor
New Weapons
Adventure Conversions

Dhari Hunter, by Justin Mayhew